Will Does Amsterdam

It's amazing that somehow Will can always manage to make a trip into a work trip! He's been talking with some guys in Amsterdam who make protein concentrates out of raw crops. This is in line with what Will is working on to make protein from pongamia seeds, so he thought an in person meeting and tour of their laboratory would be beneficial. He got up early this morning to catch his 10am flight. On the way he saw hundreds of wind turbines in the North Sea. He also saw dozens of canals per acre when landing in the Netherlands.

Will got a manual diesel Peugeot for his rental car, and headed to NIZO, about an hour away. He said the landscape makes Florida look hilly! haha. The weather was really crazy, sunny, then rainy, then back. And people were driving like jerks: lots of tailgating, swerving, passing, honking, etc. Thank goodness he made it through OK!

After his meeting he had about an hour to explore Amsterdam. He found some traditional Dutch food of mashed potatoes with sauerkraut mixed in, a meatball, a sausage, a slice of bacon, and gravy in a potato ring in the middle of the plate.

It was time to get back to the airport which found him dodging mopeds flying in bike lanes! yikes! He dropped off the rental car in plenty of time, got to the gate, sipped a Heineken, and wrote notes from his meeting. Getting back to Gothenburg was a breeze right through the "nothing to declare" line at customs.

The "Amazon" - the first Volvo!

Meanwhile, back in Gothenburg, Adeline and I had a slow morning full of coffee, wiggles, and of course, laundry! After Adeline's nap we went out for a stroll to Cafe Husaren for a cinnamon roll as big as your head! We ate some, and saved some too. I was amazed that I was actually able to eat some of the roll and drink a whole cup of coffee while we were there. Adeline got her own pouch but I shared a little of the roll with her!

We walked the super bumpy sidewalks of Haga that even our "off roading" stroller could hardly handle. We stopped in at the VillerValla Outlet where I got Adeline the cutest lemon slices dress which I hope fits her this summer, and I got a new sweater and blouse at a women's store. Adeline screams in the stroller if she can't see me so I had to walk along side her while pushing (it's trickier than you might think!). We stopped at the ICA for a couple of things before we went home for the day. Adeline took her afternoon nap, but it felt like a very long evening, so we had a nice early bedtime!


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