Nate and Emily Visit - Day 3

Today was the big day! We rented a limo to take us to Napa. We had an amazing day visiting Clos du Val and the winery we belong to, Tuday Winery. We had the driver drop us off at the ferry building so that we could get Nate and Emily out on the water!

Vineyard at Clos du Val

Bubbles in the Limo!


After our picnic at Tudal Winery

Manning the tunes!


More smoochies!

Ferry ride home!

Getting a little goofy!

We had a lovely visit with these two amazing friends. Can't wait to spend more time with them on our trip home in June, and celebrate their wedding in August!!


  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun with your friends and your beau. I'm wishing your friends best wishes, come their wedding in August. You took great pictures, considering you were in a limo. It seems like you all had a wonderful and relaxing vacation. Clos du Val looks lovely. The vineyard absolutely looks well taken care of. I hope you all had a lovely day at Napa! Take care always! :)

    Jack Gambs @ Antique Limousine


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