O`hana Award Celebration

The main reason for us traveling to Hawai`i was that TerViva was having an event related to the O`hana Award that they had received a couple of years ago. The organization that gave them the grant which allowed us to move to Hawai`i in the first place gave TerViva a separate grant (The O`hana Award) for a special project, allowing them to make cattle feed from the pongamia seeds and feed it to cattle belonging to a local ranching company on O`ahu. After being fed the pongamia cattle feed for a couple of months the cattle were turned in to burger and other cuts of meat (the vegetarian in me is crying right now, but this is so exciting for TerViva and cattle ranchers alike!). Local ranchers and those who supported the project along the way were invited to a special event at Kualoa Ranch to talk story and enjoy delicious food. Three local chefs were brought in to create special dishes with the meat and served through food stations. Adeline and I didn't get to go since it was quite a ways from Honolulu and I didn't want to have to deal with a fussy baby all on my own coming home, so we strolled through Waikiki and had dinner at the hotel instead. (The pictures of the event below are from Elemental Excelerator.)

I did get ahead of myself though, because earlier in the day Will was able to spend some time with us, so despite a threatening looking sky we went for a quick dip.

Though Adeline looks happy in these pictures, she wasn't terribly thrilled so we went across the street to Kapiolani Park instead. She loved playing soccer there with Papa!


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