Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot!

It has really been a heat wave here in the Bay! It has even gotten up to 100 degrees in SF. Here in Oakland it's been in the upper 90s, and I will remind you that we (along with most others) do not have air conditioning! We did go out and get another fan over the weekend which was a good thing! We set two fans up in Adeline's room and filled large buckets with ice from the grocery store. In all we went through seven 20 pound bags! Will ended up leaving on Tuesday for Florida, which left me in charge of procuring the ice, but Adeline and I managed to make it work and kept her room cool. (Her monitor was reading 98 degrees which I think is the max it records anyway! So hot!)

During the day kept cool by spending a lot of time at Target, Ikea, Safeway, and eating strawberries in front of the fridge!

Here's the ice set up in Adeline's room:

After Adeline went to bed I went out to the patio to get some fresh air. This little guy even joined me!


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