Local Art

A few weeks ago we went to our friends Dawn and Brody's, house for dinner, and another one of their friends, Jonathan, joined us. We knew of him from a previous event, but this was our first opportunity to formally meet him and hang out. Not only is he a cool guy, he happens to be an incredibly talented glass blower who has art installations both public and private all over the United States. He also happens to make wine decanters, one of which we always admire when we go to Dawn and Brody's. We got to talking and he invited us to come see him work in his studio at UH and said that we could pick out a decanter as well! How special!

So this evening Will was done with work a little early and we walked over to the art building and watched Jonathan and his students at work. They were working on a large plate that was made of three different colors in alternating stripes.

Checking the diameter to make sure it's the same size as a new color that is going to be added.

Putting it in the fire

Attaching a new section

Getting ready to stretch it out a little more.
In using different colors it means that the thickness of the glass is also different. Unfortunately it didn't stretch out evening and got off centered, so when they went to turn it out into a plate it got lopsided and this happened.

Even though there was no end product, which happens sometimes, it was a fascinating process to watch.


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