More Visitors!

We were so excited to have our dear friends Matt and Angie come visit us this weekend. They have been our friends since our college days in Minnesota, and they now live in San Diego. For the holidays they planned a trip driving along the coast with a final destination of Tahoe in mind. However, those plans were interrupted by six feet of snow in the Sierra's the night they were planning to drive there from the Bay, so they stayed an extra night here in the Bay before heading back toward San Diego. The same storm that was headed to the Sierra's passed through the Bay area first, providing us with torrential downpours almost all weekend which meant lots of indoor activities!

They arrived on Saturday. Will and I cooked dinner and we spent the evening sitting around the table playing games and catching up.

Sunday we went out for brunch in Jack London Square at the Fat Lady. Will and I stopped in here for a drink when we were visiting back in February and it had been on our list to go to ever since. We will definitely be going back again, as I had one of the best meals ever - shredded crab on English muffins topped with cheese and avocado! yum!

After brunch we showed Matt and Angie Will's office (only two blocks away) and then turned in for a little rest after eating such a big meal!

Also on our to do list has been a visit and tour of the Pyramid Brewery in Berkeley. We got to sample lots of beers and had a great tour of the facility.



On Monday, Christmas Eve, the skies finally opened up and the sun came out. Will took Matt and Angie around to show them some amazing views and explore our neighborhood a little more. I was scheduled to work at the animal shelter so I wasn't able to join, but I'm glad they got to see Oakland with bright sunny skies! We had a wonderful weekend with visiting with these guys. Thanks for coming, Matt and Angie!


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