Ready for Halloween!

Now that she's walking she's making great use of her favorite pumpkin bucket from Grandma Sally. She is so ready for trick-or-treating - but that's probably me totally projecting my excitement on to her!

She also started copying my "I don't know" hand motion. But seriously, how cute is she! ugh!

So yes, Adeline usually wears her PJs through her first nap if we don't have someplace to be! But flash forward through our busy day of playing around the house and Gymboree, and now it's after bath time and I put these cute Eric Carle jammies on her that we were given as a hand-me-down from our wonderful friends. As I get a few last things ready for bed Adeline pulls a book off the shelf and it's an Eric Carle book! How perfect is that? It was a picture perfect moment.


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