Hiking "Our" Ridge

Our new house is located on one of the many ridges in Honolulu. Many of these ridges have hiking trails, ours included! So we took the afternoon to hike and explore "our" ridge, along the Wa`ahila Ridge Trail. We also thought that this would be a good way to warm up for our upcoming hike in Moloka`i! (We'll be hiking the tallest sea cliffs in the world!)

It was a beautiful, clear day. The trail was really dry as it hasn't rained much lately. Dry is a rare, but welcome condition for this trail as it would have been pretty muddy and hard to get through in some of the areas. The clear day made for spectacular views! It is a pretty amazing vantage point as you get to see down into the valleys on both the East side, Palolo Valley, and the West side, Manoa Valley, of the ridge.

The hiking trail going up the ridge.

Little bit of a view of Palolo Valley.

This was a pretty rocky section. It got a little crazy on the other side!

Great little view here of Manoa Valley.

Behind Will is the ridge we live on!

Contemplating . . .

Getting a little sassy . . .


What a beautiful place to live!


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