Kitties in Hawai'i?!

Yes, that's right, we got our girls to Hawai'i! I did a lot of paperwork complete with a notary public. The girls went through blood work, shots, goop, and examinations they would have rather gone without. We got them special airline reservations, though no "cat sized boarding passes" as Will hoped they may receive. When the day came, they were nervous; they're apartment was empty after all, and very unsure about what was going on. We loaded them into their airline approved carriers and whisked them off to the airport. We checked our bags and headed for security. We got a wide range of looks and comments from other travelers and TSA agents in response to the cats. We had to take them out of the carriers when we passed through security and proceeded to walk through the metal detector. A lovely TSA agent who told us about when she traveled to the US from Italy with a cat was kind to get us through quickly and made sure the carriers did as well. We got the girls, who were clinging on to us for dear life back into their carriers, and there they stayed until we got to the Kaimuki Cottage.

Once we were on the plane they were relatively quiet, meowing only during take off, and again when the people in front of us clanked their seat belts or got in and out of their seats. The ride went more smoothly than I anticipated it might.

When we arrived in Honolulu we took the girls off the plane and were met by a lady at the gate, who checked them in and had them escorted to quarantine. In the meantime Will and I gathered our checked bags and headed over to meet the kitties at quarantine. This is where all my preparations paid off. With the signing of a couple papers, the girls were ready to go, were brought out to us, and we were on our way home!

I had originally planned on taking pictures of this whole ordeal, but once we were in it, I so badly wanted it to be over and never really think of it again, and couldn't bring myself to take pictures. I was just trying to focus on getting these cats to Hawaii'!

And so, here they are, loving the Hawaiian life.

Caught them snuggling!

Aurora likes to sit next to me while I work on the computer at the table.

Ava is still adjusting to the heat, and this is her primary position for keeping herself cool.

The Kaimuki Cottage certainly feels more like home now that the girls are here, too!


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