Play Time!

Our friends Nate and Emily gifted us this wonderful play gym that Adeline just loves! Today was her first day playing on it and she had such a good time holding on to and playing with the animals, watching the mobile on top and listening to the music, and even got in a little tummy time!

Here's a video for you to click on:


  1. I'm reading through your blog again (we miss you guys!) and had to leave a comment this time. Adeline is just adorable! I can hardly stand it! I remember traveling with Alex when he was super little, and we had to bring this toy with us every time. It takes up a bit of room in the car, but he just loved it so much. So glad to see you're getting a good amount of use out of it too!! It was a sad day when it came time to pack the play gym away - like the end of an era. Although I think our bouncing seat just replaced its spot on the floor so I guess there will always be something!


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