Celebrating the Queen

December 31st is Queen Kapi`olani's birthday, so to celebrate the occasion the Palace had special nighttime tours and allowed you to walk up the Koa wood staircase, which is usually off limits! We were excited to get tickets to tour the palace since in three and a half years we had still never been.

Will and Anne started the morning with a walk to the UH campus and check out an art exhibit. Of course they checked on the pongamia tree.

A little later in the day we headed downtown. Anne and I walked around Chinatown while Will got our tickets for the tour. We enjoyed a beverage at Murphy's before an amazing dinner at Bethel Union. Then we were off for our tour!

The Honolulu City Lights were still lit up after our tour, so we stopped by to say Aloha to drunk Santa.

Another fun day in the books!


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