Hawai`i State Farm Fair

This weekend was the Hawai`i State Farm Fair at Kualoa Ranch. I've seen it advertised in years past, but we never got around to it. This year, though, Terviva was part of the fair! Terviva is going to be partnering with a big land owner and former sugar cane operators on Maui for a large planting of Pongomia. This group had a booth at the fair and wanted to show off pongamia. Will went up on Saturday to drop off a small tree and seed pods and meet with the people at the booth. On Sunday, I went back up with him to pick up the tree and seed pods, and while we were there we visited the other booths, had lunch, and explored around.

I had some pad thai (perfect Farm Fair food, right? but it was one of the only vegetarian options) and Will had Lana`i venison chili. Then we explored a little more, visited the plant sale and saw the animals!

Will is pointing to the plot of land where his trees will be planted on the former sugar cane land on Maui.

Lots of interesting fruit!

Baby chicks!

The plant sale.

The sheep showing competition.

These boys were up next with their goats.


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