A Day in the Mountains

Today was Mom's last full day with us, so we went with Mom to a nice brunch at one of our favorite new places. Haleiwa Joe's in Kaneohe is situated right in the middle of Ha`iku Gardens. It overlooks the scenic pond, garden, and Ko`olau mountain range.

After eating way too much at the brunch buffet we went for a walk around the gardens.

This little guy was making A LOT of noise!

Looking up at the restaurant from the gardens.

Next we went to Ho`omaluhia Botanical Gardens. We'd never been so we thought we should go explore.

We finished our day in the mountains by visiting the Valley of the Temples. Within this cemetery is the Byodo-In Temple, a smaller scale replica of the over 950 year old Byodo-In Temple in Japan. It was established in 1968 to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the first Japanese immigrants coming to Hawai`i. It is a beautiful Buddhist temple.

Ringing the gong.

These were the most interesting chickens I've ever seen!

It was back to work on Monday with the students back, so it was a trip to the grocery store and then getting some things together at home. Then we went to Lowe's and Mom helped us pick out some new plants for our front lanai. We were sad to see Mom go on Monday, but luckily it will only be a few months until we see her again. Thanks for a wonderful visit, Mom!


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