
Showing posts from December, 2020

Happy New Year's Eve!

 We've been having lots of fun playing around the house!

Batman Sings!


Koala Nuzzles

Adeline has really latched on to her Koala these days and has been loving "Izze's Koala World" on Netflix. It's so sweet!  


Adeline loves  her tape player!  While Adeline was napping I noticed that our neighbor across the street had put some things out on the sidewalk. I quick went over to check, knowing that she has a daughter and they're selling the house so there might be something good! I snagged this great sleeping bag, a couple of books, and a card game for once we get to go on a plane again! Someday . . . We've been having fun cuddling, playing sleepover, and camping. Hot dogs! And ended with a movie and popcorn!

Day After Christmas Fun!

We finally had some time to hang up more pictures! Adeline used her new tools and helped Will.

Merry Christmas!

Last year was such a fun Christmas because Adeline understood and enjoyed opening presents at Grandma and Grandpa's house. This year was even more special because she understood the concept of Santa, loved everything about Christmas, and we got to celebrate in our very own home! Adeline took her time with the gifts. Playing with, and enjoying each one. Christmas lasted all morning! We also got to call all of our family, too. Some highlights of the presents were My Little Ponies, a tool set, tape player and books on tape, "hamdriver" set from Auntie Mere and Uncle David, garden set, basketball hoop, "Radar" the dog, poka dot Christmas sweater. We had lasagna for dinner. And ended the night with snuggles while we watched A Charlie Brown Christmas.

Merry Christmas Eve!

It's Christmas Eve! I only had one day off in the last ten days so Christmas really snook up on me! All of a sudden I realized we had to do all of the things - make donuts, make cookies, write letters to Santa, and wrap the presents! It was a busy day but we got it all done! Adeline and Papa started the day off with some silly pictures . . . Then Adeline and I made Grandma Sally's famous sugar cookies. They turned out great for our first time! Sugar cookies and pumpkin donuts! Will and I were taking care of things in the kitchen. I peaked out to check on Adeline and this is what I saw! Getting ready for Santa was so much fun. Of course Adeline had to have a cookie too! Santa came!