
Showing posts from May, 2019


It's Friday! And Papa is home! Hooray! Today we set up Adeline's new chairs, and ended the day with Pau Hana with Papa at Beer Barron.


This is how we cook: This is how we eat: Loving the salsa!

Crocs on Crocs

How many crocs can a girl have?!

Stopping to Smell the Roses

The Rose Garden is in full bloom this time of year so I had to take my gardener mother there! We had a nice little stroll and afterward we stopped by Fenton's for some ice cream. We were so busy eating it though that we didn't get a picture. Guess we'll just have to go again! Also one of the biggest things during my Mom's visit was her teaching Adeline how to snap. Now the girl even wakes up snapping!

A Day at the Farm

Today my mom and I took Adeline to Little Farm in Berkeley. You can bring your own lettuce and celery to feed to the animals. Adeline loved it and thought it was funny when the animals ate the food from her. The goats were the best! She now loves feeding animals so much that she help with feeding the cats in the evening and follows them around holding the bowl of food so they eat it. haha! The Mama pig had just had babies too so it was fun to see them. They were so little!

New Croc Games!

Adeline is wishing for a ride-on toy these days; we've gotten a little creative with the croc cart instead!

Grammy Comes to Visit!

Grammy is here! She arrived last night after Adeline went to bed but we made up for any lost time quickly on Sunday! They read stories at breakfast and we spent part of the day at the Jack London Square farmer's market. It may have been extra chilly but that didn't stop this little one from working on her walking skills at the park!

Pau Hana at TerViva

TerViva was holding pau hana for those at the office and Adeline and I were invited! She had so much fun! Several of Will's coworkers got to hold her and she had the best time walking all around the office and flashing lots of smiles of course! We didn't get any pics while we were there, but here we are on our way.

You Spin Me Right Round, Baby

Like a record baby, right round, round round.

Ready for a Walk!

Adeline loves that she can walk out the door herself. She waits not so patiently by the door!

Baby's First Fort!

It's been cold and rainy, Adeline's been getting molars, and Papa has been traveling for work a lot (although he's actually here right now, but it's been a lot of us time!) So we had to get a little creative today to shake things up a bit. It seemed like the perfect time to build a fort! Seemed like Adeline had fun!


Today we took Adeline to Gymboree to get in a few extra wiggles. On our way home we stopped by another family's home to pick up some puzzles and blocks they were selling. Will set them up as a little art gallery! One of them is made of two blocks and when the pieces are matched it makes the sound of the vehicle on the picture. Some of the favorites are the firetruck and ambulance!

Fun with Papa

Adeline adores her Papa!

Teething Troubles

Adeline has been getting a couple new teeth lately. We've found frozen waffles to be a great treat! Along with some yoga for pain relief . . . ? And cuddles and goofing around, of course!

A Brave Little Girl!

Today was Adeline's 15 month checkup. It was pouring rain and unfortunately Will was traveling for work so couldn't join us, but we managed and did our best. Adeline is back up on her growth curve for weight but she's still a little girl. She's 18 pounds 10 ounces, and 28 inches tall. Of course she's still got that above average size brain so we know she's a smart cookie! There were no shots today, but she had to get two vials of blood drawn for blood work. She cried the whole time but was able to sit on my lap, and afterward she had a snack and played in the waiting room. She came home and had a great nap and was just fine the rest of the day. She didn't even pick at her bandage once! I guess she needs a riding toy!