
Showing posts from April, 2019

Sunday Funday

Sundays are definitely different from what they used to be! The day started with some play time around the house before we went to Gymboree later in the day. On the way back to the car from Gymboree Will and Adeline stopped to smell the flowers. Adeline wasn't so sure about them!

TJs Love

We love to go to Trader Joe's but I think Adeline loves to play with the bags even more!

Toothbrush Bubbin'

Being Silly

This silly little girl . . . 🥰 Always talking on the phone! And even helping with the chores!

Cereal Love!

Is it just me or is Adeline looking so big and grown up in these pictures?! Also, somehow cereal boxes have become a new favorite toy. They are so fun to open and close!

Happy Easter!

Adeline was just so little last year at Easter (not even two months old!) so I was so excited to actually be able to celebrate Easter with her this year - mostly putting together her Easter basket! I'd gathered some things over the last month and loved seeing her so happy exploring her basket! Adeline got a replacement monkey musical toy, a penguin bath toy, Gymboree bubbles, two Easter books, some creamies, and a toy car made of recycled plastic bottles. (I stuck a little bunny in there that Jim and Kathy gave her, too!) She really loved her bubbles kit! After Easter baskets we had breakfast and got ready to head into the city for Picnic at the Presidio. We had planned to meet Aunt Helen, Uncle Kevin, and cousins Michael and Grisha (and pup Charlie!). Adeline had such a great time with Charlie and the family! It was a gorgeous day! Happy Easter!

Little Ballerina

We got several pairs of shoes as hand-me-downs from our good friends, and Adeline has always liked playing with them when her closet is open. Today she really took to actually wearing them! She sat down and tried to put them on, so I helped her and she didn't take them off the rest of the day! They look like little ballerina shoes, and the way she was standing here at the window looked like she was at the barre! I think we have a shoe girl on our hands; watch out Will!

New Ride - New Seat!

Adeline was starting to get a little squishy in her infant car seat, and seeing that we got a new car it seemed to be the right time to get a new car seat! She's loving the extra space and even happened to match it today!

Papa Is Home!

Will has been gone for two weeks traveling (home for a quick weekend in between though!) and it's so nice to have him home! After some morning fun we had a birthday party in the afternoon for one of the babies in my mom's group, followed by some errands as long as we were in the 'burbs. We also got to use up our CPK gift card for dinner. Turns out Adeline liked our mushroom pizza better than her cheese pizza! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Highchair Fun

Adeline can get fussy from time to time but for the most part she is so good in her highchair! She can even play nicely while I get things ready or clean up.

Springtime, Baby!

We're loving the sunshine and fresh air! We even got to go on a walk today. One house had a free box out with some books so we got a few to add to our library!

Spring is Here!

At long last we have sunshine!!! It was a beautiful day for lunch at the Lake Chalet. After lunch Adeline and I came home for her nap while Will took Jim and Kathy to the Rose Garden. Turkeys! Jim and Kathy went back to the hotel for a while, while we did our evening routine. Later that night our babysitter came and we enjoyed a delicious dinner at A Coté here in our neighborhood.

Wine Country in the New Car

We were excited to take the Volvo on a road trip and what better occasion than Jim and Kathy being in The Bay! It was a little chilly but perfect sweater weather and a nice glass of bold red wine warmed you right up! We took them to our favorite restaurant, Brasswood, which we stumbled upon last fall. Adeline had so much fun there! There are even great windows along the bench seating to look out. We had amazing fresh made mozzarella and a fish sandwich, and amazing wine of course. Adeline had salmon salad and sweet potatoes. Then we loaded in the car to go do some tasting. We were going to visit Mumm Napa, but it didn't work out so we went down the street to Silver Oak. Will and I had been wanting to visit and it turns out that Jim and Kathy had been many years ago and really enjoyed it when they were there so were happy to return! Tasting amazing Cabernet Sauvignon. Water for Adeline! While the others finished up in the tasting room Adeline and

It's Here . . . Finally!

After getting held up in customs for a while our Volvo made it to Oakland! Hooray! It was even worthy of being on the showroom floor with a bow on it! Also, Jim and Kathy are in Oakland as part of their California getaway. Will went and picked them up in the new ride! They came back to our apartment to play with Adeline. Will took them out in the neighborhood while Adeline and I stayed back for her dinner. Then, Will made a delicious shepherd's pie for dinner!

Kitchen Boogies

Adeline has been loving playing in the kitchen - especially with grocery bags and in the fridge! This keeps her occupied for a little while I unpack groceries or make lunch/dinner!

Carts All Day

The bag of pacis and cart trend continues today! We had a relaxed morning and then went to Gymboree this afternoon. On Tuesdays it's a 2pm class and Adeline usually naps by 3pm. Poor girl was so tired so she played a little bit and definitely had fun but we left a little early and came right home for nap. It was fun to go though and they even had an all new set up!