
Showing posts from July, 2012

Go Oakland A's!

Will has been very busy at work, putting together and submitting a grant proposal for more funding for his company. After working straight through the weekend, his team got it submitted with a few minutes to spare! Now let's hope they get it! By the time Monday night rolled around it was definitely time to kick back and enjoy the beautiful weather with some baseball! We'd planned to go to this game with our friends Alex and Katie and we had a great time! There weren't very many people there (as you'll be able to see in the pictures) but those are not fair weather fans! So much cheering and support, it was amazing and one of the most fun baseball games I've been to in a while! The game went into extra innings. We stayed until the end of the 13th but then had to head back to our neighborhood since the BART (train) closes down around 12:30am. We stopped in at a bar a few blocks from our apartment to catch the rest of the game.  There were quite a few fans in the bar

I'll never get enough of these views . . .

Today I went out for a run in the hills near our home. Only about ten minutes in did I start coming across these types of views! It's tough running up those hills but so worth it for the views!

Another Fun Weekend!

Friday I packed a picnic lunch and met Will down at the harbor at Jack London Square. It is such a beautiful area! We have been discovering many amazing areas to have picnics. The view from our picnic blanket. Saturday Saturday was a day of taking care of business and relaxing around the pool. There we met two new friends who just moved here from NY! We had an impromptu dinner party and enjoyed spending hours around the kitchen table chatting. If ever you don't see an update from us, this is probably what we are doing : ) Sunday We decided to go explore the neighborhood next to ours, Piedmont.  We had a delicious brunch at Park Avenue Bar and Grill . (Though there are no streets named Park Ave nearby, so we're not sure where the name came from!) After brunch we stopped in at a wine shop across the street and did a wine tasting of some fabulous German wines.  We walked down the street and got some coffee, then walked around th

July 17th

Today was a crazy busy day! We started off bright and early at the DMV, transferring over our car title and drivers licenses. Then Will went off to work for a bit.  While at work he realized that there were some pieces of literature that he needed which were accessible at one of the libraries on the UC Berkeley campus. Of course I joined not only to explore another new area, but also to stretch the legs on my new mountain bike!  We got the articles he needed, biked around campus, and stopped at one of the bars to have some dinner. It was such a beautiful, clear evening that we couldn't stop there! When we got home we hopped in the car and drove into some of the Oakland Hills (the Claremont Hills to be exact).  There we got some beautiful views of the entire Bay Area and looked at the ridiculous houses just balancing on the sides of the hills! Driving through our neighborhood Cool car! Rockridge Library People walking