
Showing posts from August, 2020

Tee Pee Time!

What's better when you're sick than curling up with your buddies in your Tee Pee to watch Puffin Rock! We definitely had some energy to get out, though!

Preschool Cold

 Well, only a few weeks in and Adeline got her first cold. So, lots of couch time!

So Focused!

Today the kids made necklaces with the pasta that they colored yesterday. Adeline's teacher showed her how to do the first one, and Adeline did all the rest on her own! She felt very proud and accomplished at the end!

Always Lots to Do!

Starting the day with our new song. Preschool got a new smaller size trike that fits Adeline perfectly! They colored dried pasta for an art project. And finished the day with a scooter ride in Jack London Square. Adeline had to say "Hi" to Stomper the Elephant before we left!

Mi Cuerpo!

It took me what seemed like forever but I finally figured out that she's saying "Mi Cuerpo!"

Little Artist


Such a Thrill Seeker!


Recess Fun!

Today was the birthday of one of Adeline's classmates so they had a Pizza Party and Piñata! The afternoon was of course spent driving cars.  

My Favorite Post Ever

Adeline's days always include art and music! I think it's safe to say Adeline loves the songs and dances she's learning at preschool!

It's Getting Hot! Hot! Hot!

August usually marks the beginning of Summer in the Bay Area, and this year is no exception. It has been SO hot! Today at preschool the kids got to cool down by playing in the hose and eating popsicles!

Miss Independent

Adeline is so independent at drop off. Many kids we see still have a hard time leaving their parents. But not this little girl! Lunchtime! Breakfast for lunch! Remember how I said that we made an offer on a house? It was accepted!!! (Third times the charm!) Way more details to follow!


The name of Adeline's preschool, Colibri, means hummingbird in Spanish. A few years ago the Parents Association helped create a beautiful mural that wraps around the outside walls of the school. I've been dying to get a "First Day of Preschool" picture in front of them, but it was always too busy or Adeline was just feeling a little too shy. But today was the day! Adeline has been a preschooler for a week and is such a big, independent girl already! She walked right over to the mural and got ready for her photo op! Looks like she had fun at school, too! (Yes, the sandbox gives me anxiety and there will forever be sand in our car. sigh. Good thing Hawai`i got me way more comfortable with sand than I ever thought I'd be.) Goopy Hands! P.S. We also made an offer on a house today!! Eeeee!!!!

Gluing and Cleaning!


Finger Paints!


Preschool Fun!

Adeline's school has been great and is sending us pictures regularly! We love seeing what she's up to at school.

Exploring the Wilderness

The rental house was nestled in the foothills of the Sequoia National Park. Just a short walk from the house was a beautiful river. Next we piled into the car and drove to Sequoia National Park. It was already getting really busy and not many people were wearing masks, so we did a little exploring and rock climbing, and then headed back to the rental house. After nap time is was back to the pool! It was REALLY hot and sunny, so we cozied up in the shade and played in the nice air conditioned house. It was another early bedtime and more relaxing for us!