
Showing posts from October, 2019



Living That Farm Life

Today we visited Lemos Farms in Half Moon Bay! We were invited to a private party by the law firm that TerViva has been working where we got to enjoy breakfast, lunch, crafts, and admission to the farm. After a muffin and coffee we were off to the pony rides! We thought Adeline might just want to watch but turns out she really wanted to ride one too!  After watching the other kids it was finally Adeline's turn! She got to ride on Snickers. I had all the Mama feels handing my baby over to ride on a pony!! eeek! The boys were so nice though and held on to her so nicely.  The boy stepped just out of view for a moment so I could get this picture and my heart dropped! Adeline had such a big smile the whole time and even waved and said Mama and Papa to us on her ride. Where is my baby?! I'm glad she had fun but I was so relieved when the boy handed her back to Will! Next we got to feed the goats! I didn't get to

Post Lunch Play

Just a little play time before nap time!

Spin Spin Spin!

Aloha Always

Santa Barbara felt like a nice little blend of Hawai`i and California. Before we headed home we stopped by the beach one last time to enjoy the nice breeze and ocean air. Adeline loved  dipping her toes in the water and I know she would have loved to just jump right in if I had let her!