
Showing posts from 2019

Happy New Year's Eve!

Today marks the start of our next adventure - a 275 mile road trip with three adults, two toddlers, and a whole lotta stuff! The kids did remarkably well. Adeline was so entertained just watching Margaretta and Mo in the back seat! Neither of them slept but they were such good little passengers. We only had to do two quick potty breaks along the way. It's taken just Will and I so much longer sometimes - I was so impressed! Double cheese! We got to Minneapolis around 2pm and our Airbnb was all set and ready for us, thank goodness! I don't think I've ever stayed at a nicer place. It truly felt like home! They had a pack 'n play all set up for Adeline so after a little energy burn upon arrival Adeline got to take a good long nap. She almost put herself in to bed she was so tired! That evening JJ and Ashley came over with their sweet boys. We had a pizza dinner, drinks, sound makers, and a New Year's countdown at 7:45pm! We were living on the wild side!

A Relaxing Day

The last few days have been go, go, go, so I was so happy to have a relaxed day of just normal life! We went to the grocery store in the morning to get a few things to take with us on our trip to Minneapolis tomorrow, and played the rest of the day! Can you guess what Adeline's new favorite word is?! So much fun playing!

Madison Children's Museum

Today we had a fun day exploring the Madison Children's Museum. Adeline was so busy and had a great time! The fun started the moment we walked through the door and saw a horsey friend. She could have been happy with the horse all day but went along with exploring inside. Reeling in the clothesline.  She's all about the steps these days! Bridges! Technically the kids had to be four years old to do the hamster wheel but the lady was nice enough to let Adeline try! And as a true Wisconsin girl at heart she had to groom and ride the cow. Shape puzzle! We saved the best for last . . . the water room! It was no surprise that Adeline was mesmerized in this room and probably could have stayed all day. She is such a water baby! When we first got to the museum Will scoped out the ice cream stand - Blue Moon - check! We had to be sure to get a treat before we le


My mom has been volunteering at Olbrich Gardens for years and on eo fhte big events she always helps with is the holiday train show. I was so excited that we got to take Adeline this year to see it. She loved watching the trains! We also had fun exploring the conservatory. We got to meet up with Ace and the boys, too! Something about this sign! They played here for forever! Adeline had a blast playing peek-a-boo with Grandpa! Hugging our friends goodbye. xoxo