
Showing posts from November, 2018

Such a Strong, Sweet Girl

She is so strong! Look at her standing! And isn't she just the sweetest. That smile, that laugh. Heart melting . . .


Ok, so today there are some milestones! I finally was able to capture that tooth that's been coming in. Poor girl has been in a little more pain again, though. And now her morning activity continues, but now she can stand (got here all on her own!)!! She's also still loving her chewy blocks.

More Playtime

I try to catch some little moments here and there. Even if they're not milestones or new tricks, it's just fun to capture Adeline's playful moments. Here she is playing farms (I think she missed it while we were away because lately she's been loving it again!) After her morning nap I came in to see this: Standing  in her crib! Time to lower the mattress again! And later, more reading of the books from Auntie Mere.

A Stroll in the Park

I was anxious to get outside since right before we left for Madison the air was choked by wildfire smoke, and rain is due to come over the next several days, so I jumped at the chance to get outside. It was a gorgeous afternoon for a swing and a stroll. A magical eucalyptus forest right behind the tot lot!

The New Morning Routine

Adeline's latest favorite activity is pulling books off of the shelf. She even looks at some of them too! It's a perfect time for me to sit and watch while I sip my coffee : )

Time for Goodbyes

One thing I loved about Hawai`i (oh you're right - I loved EVERYTHING  about Hawai`i and I seriously miss it everyday) is that they say "A Hui Hou" or "Until I see you again" rather than "Goodbye." Goodbyes are so hard and I never like them. I avoid them at all costs. But alas, they are a part of life and so today was one of those days. Adeline was so happy to have finally met her Grandpa Kelly this week and the two of them just melt my heart (again, my heart is just constantly melting or exploding these days). It was a long trip back to California but Adeline did great and she even had fun! Exploring science with Papa! Thinking about it . . . Not so sure . . .  She loves it!

Baby's First Christmas Tree!

Since we're going to be traveling for a few weeks around Christmas and New Year's we aren't going to be putting up a tree, so it was so special that for Adeline's first Christmas season we were able to go with Jim and Hawley to pick their tree! Adeline loved getting bundled up for the occasion! We found the perfect tree almost right away! We figure everyone else thought "We'll come back to this one if we don't find another one," but then they never did - which was great for us! The perfect tree! The men bringing in the tree. Thanks Jim and Hawley for inviting us along for this fun adventure!

Besties Meet!

My heart is always exploding these days but today was another very special day! Madison and Adeline got to meet! How special is it that Brittany and I both had baby girls only a few months apart?! Heart is melting . . . now if only we weren't so far apart, but these two are certainly going to be besties. Tim, Brittany, Madison, Bev, and Tom all came over for a little brunch so we could all catch up and see the babes. It was the perfect morning. Before the gang came over Grammy and Addie had a little playtime.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mom and Dad worked so hard to make an absolutely delicious Thanksgiving meal for us.

More Family!

Today Meredith and David arrived in Madison. Adeline took to Meredith immediately! I'm pretty sure she knew that Mere was very similar to me. We had a fun afternoon playing around. Opening her preset from Auntie Mere She got new books and her very own ipad! Somebody loves her auntie! And somebody loves her niece! This makes my heart so happy! Later that night it was time to go to the Kusches for Thanksgiving so we got our fancy clothes on and had to put on a hat - it's cold! Adeline is giving Mere "side eye."

Proud Grandparents!

Tonight was our first real night in Madison (getting in at 2am doesn't count!). We had Jim and Hawley over to my parents' house for dinner and got this great picture of Adeline and the grandparents!

I Need a New Phone, Now!

Being as I'm the one home with Adeline during the day, pretty much all of the pictures we have come from my phone. But Will is the one with the bigger phone, hence, the fancier camera. How is it that he only started playing around with the fancy functions today?! I would kill for this quality on a daily basis. Just look at these gorgeous photos taken right here in our living room. I think we need to get me an upgrade!

Busy Baby

Just a baby playing.


Will put Adeline's teething chain on the activity cube and now calls it "blockchain." rah rah. Either way, Adeline still loves her activity cube!

Little Gymnast

Adeline continues to love her banana teether, and also loves climbing over legs!

Banana Bubs

Adeline has really been teething lately so I got her this banana teething toy that's apparently really popular. I guess we can see why!

New Toy

Adeline is so mobile! We had to pack away her play mat and the "bouncy chair." She would just scoot right through the play mat and would get irritated the minute you put her in the bouncy chair. She just wants to be free! So I was generously given this activity cube from another mom in our neighborhood. It has games on every side and the top, and the best part is that she can use it to pull herself up to kneel or one day to stand!

Little Mover

Lifting up in the crib . . . Opening drawers . . . And of course eating some lunch.