
Showing posts from September, 2018

Family Fun in Sausalito

Will has been working extremely hard this month on a presentation he gave this past week while in Florida. He's been working super late nights and Saturdays, too. Now that he is back from that trip and did an amazing job with the presentation (he gave it twice!), we spent a nice relaxing weekend not  working, and just enjoying being a family. We didn't really want to make big plans or any to-dos for the weekend, but when we woke up on Saturday Will was in the mood for going out and about so at about 8:15am we decided to go to Sausalito for the day! We quick got ourselves and Adeline ready for the day in an hour! and were out the door by 9:30am, just in time for her to nap on our way up. When we got to Sausalito we walked around for a little while and enjoyed the beautiful view. Then we had lunch at Napa Valley Burgers. Afterward we walked along the waterfront and Adeline fell asleep for over an hour! So we just walked and walked until she woke up, which was just when

A Relaxing Day

Mom left for home this morning and I have to admit we needed a day to rest from all of our fun activities! We had a nice day just playing around at home. She didn't nap the best today. I think she had FOMO! Such sweet girls.

Exploring South Shore

Adeline was very agreeable today and was up for a little shopping, lunch, and a walk in Alameda! We went downtown for shopping and lunch at Ole's Diner, then went down to South Shore and walked along the water. It was such a beautiful day!

Cubs Playtime!

Adeline loves playing underneath her highchair (I imagine it feels like a little fort!) and especially with her Cubs rattle that she can hit on the chair to make some "music!"

Playing With Grandma

While mom was visiting we got out and about, but enjoyed some nice time playing at home, too. It's always so nice not to be rushing around from here to there and just slowing down and enjoying the simple things in life! The girls even had a nice time cuddling, too!

Grandma is Here!

Will is in Florida for work this week so my mom came out to keep us company. We had a lot of fun! Today we went to Half Moon Bay to do a little shopping and have some clam chowder at Sam's Chowder House! It was overcast and chilly, but just as it should be in Half Moon Bay - perfect chowder weather!

Books with Papa

Nothing better than some story time in the morning with Papa!

Happy Aloha Friday!

It was a beautiful Aloha Friday here in California. Adeline and I had a little play time and then went off to the grocery store. Will sent a text asking how our day was going. I sent him this picture and told him I was thinking about childproofing! Squirmy Wormy It's warm out, but I didn't want her feet to get cold in the store! So she went from Hawaiian baby to Hipster Hawaiian baby! Selfie on the rooftop parking lot. You can't tell but it's got a great view of SF and the Bay!

Feeling Chatty

This girl always has a lot on her mind and is more than happy to share!

Homemade Toys

Adeline's been getting a little bored of the toys around here so instead of buying more I thought I'd try making something from around the house. She's super into musical toys and anything that makes a sound (and of course anything she can put in her mouth) so a little bit of rice in a container makes for a great maraca! We also had a fun run-in with Ava!

We Love Walks

This morning I met a couple of mom friends for coffee in our neighborhood. We took the long way home for a nice stroll.

Going on Her Third Wind

Lately Adelie's been getting a second, third, even fourth wind sometimes before her naps. She was just playing sweetly . . . Then after an unsuccessful attempt at a nap we came back out to play some more. Talk about goofy! She kicked her play gym right over! Some time later she finally went to sleep, but not without some crazy play time!

My Little Goofball

She's been a little challenging these days, but when she's not fussy she's super goofy! Just look at her!

Pau Hana Strolls

Adeline can get pretty fussy in the evenings, so we've been going on strolls around that time of day. Sometimes she gets a little nap in, sometimes not, but it's nice to get some fresh air and deal with the fussiness in a new setting, ha!

My World Traveler

This December we're off for a Scandinavian adventure and will pick up our new Volvo in Sweden! That means that Adeline needs her own passport! What a spoiled little girl. Today we were off to get her passport photo taken. When we parked we saw someone had parked their XC 40 across the street. We've seen a couple around now and as much as we'd like to be one of the first on the street, it's getting us more and more excited to see them around! Adeline was all smiles for the photographer. We stopped for a PSL and croissant while we waited for her pictures to develop. Then it was time to go home for a nap. We had a nice little morning together! So happy! Adeline's Passport Picture

Seven Months!


A Day to Explore

Will actually had a day off from work today (he's been so busy getting ready for a big presentation at the end of the month). We hopped in the car and headed for Pt. Reyes. We were all set and ready to walk out to the lighthouse. There are about 300 steps to get out there! Last time we went out it was very foggy so we decided it wasn't worth the effort to go out. So today was the day! Adeline did great in the car and got in a little nap. We stopped in Pt. Reyes Station for a nibble from the Bovine Bakery - blueberry and banana muffin and croissant - and to feed Adeline. We also got some cheese from the Cowgirl Creamery to go along with the picnic we packed. We had fun walking through the little town! My loves are the sweetest! Next we were on our way out to the lighthouse. After riding through the very windy roads we got there and it was closed! If I had done my research a little better I would have known that it was under construction for a restoration project. sigh. M

so. much. fun

Today was such a fun day! It started with a great nap and playtime when she woke up. After a great nap we put some new pillows out in Adeline's new playroom! She's loving all the new space to roll and play around! However, she did hear that the cubs haven't been doing the greatest these days. But all in all it was such a fun day!

Mama's Helper

Today Adeline was a great shopping buddy at Safeway and when we got home, too! She's also crusin' and movin'!

Bay Area Girly

This morning we were getting ready for Kindergym and Adeline was looking extra cute and Bay Area girly.

Labor Day Weekend at the Biergarten

It's so much fun being back in Oakland. We've had a wonderful time re-discovering the city we called home several years ago. Frequently we've found ourselves asking "why didn't we know about this place?" or "why didn't we do this before?" It makes me grateful to be back so that we can do the things we didn't get to last time. Today was one of those "how did we not know about this place?" kind of days. As per a recommendation from a friend I took will out to the Westbrae Biergarten. While they don't brew beer there, they serve several local beers and have some good pub food, too. Plus it's filled with kids during the day so it's a great place to bring Adeline! It's now a "We'll be coming back here!" kind of place. Waiting for Papa to bring us some beer : )

New Favorite!

Her cubs rattles are the best thing on Earth right now!!