
Showing posts from March, 2018

What a Beach Babe

This morning was a little chilly so we started with some cuddles. Then we goofed around for a while. And we spent the afternoon at the beach! We started with a little cat nap while Papa parked the car. Then went swimming and Adeline LOVED it! I started by dipping her toes in, then calves, knees, hips, tummy, and all the way to her neck and swirled her around! We swam for much longer than I thought we might, but she did end up getting cold so it was time to dry off and head home. Will has the video so I'll have to get that up!

Fun Little Girl

This girl just loves her changing table! It's where we have some of our best conversations, especially in the morning. She also got this new little buddy today.

Baby's First Beach Day

Well, going to the beach is a little different than it used to be, but we had to take Adeline to the beach at least a couple of times before we leave Hawai`i. We didn't end up getting her into the water today, but she did enjoy her nap on the beach!

Picture Day!

This evening we got our family pictures taken at Kahala Beach. Baby had to get all cleaned up, too! She loves cuddling after her bath time. After rescheduling our session that was supposed to be over the weekend due to gloomy skies, we ended up with a beautiful Hawaiian evening! Here's a little peak into our photo session!

Baby's First Selfie?

Well, actually I took this one, but something tells me it won't be long before she's the one taking the pictures.

More Snuggles

It has been downright chilly here in Hawai`i! But that means it's been good weather for snuggles which is always a good thing. Today we went to have lunch with Will downtown and when we got home Adeline was so cold, poor thing! So I bundled her up and she was comfy and cozy right away.

Play Time!

Our friends Nate and Emily gifted us this wonderful play gym that Adeline just loves! Today was her first day playing on it and she had such a good time holding on to and playing with the animals, watching the mobile on top and listening to the music, and even got in a little tummy time! Here's a video for you to click on:

Cloudy Beach Days

This visit from Jim and Hawley was certainly more focused around being at home with the baby than getting out and about. The weather has also been cloudy and gloomy, so there hasn't been much motivation to get out and about. It was their last day and they still hadn't been to the beach, so while I stayed home with baby, Will took them down to Kaimana, our neighborhood beach. On the way home they stopped for malasadas at Leonard's and brought them home to have with me! We also had a really nice dinner at Kona Brew Pub along the Hawaii Kai Marina. We had a lovely visit together.

Morning Snuggles

It's hard to go back to sleep in the morning when you have hiccups, so we cuddled on the couch with some coffee instead.  This girl is full of all sorts of character. She loves making faces! (This one is from yesterday.)

Baby's First St. Patrick's Day!

We couldn't let this Irish Girl sit at home on her first St. Patrick's Day! We got out of the house and ventured down to Murphy's Irish Pub, our tradition here in Hawaii for St. Patrick's Day. We enjoyed a beautiful afternoon in the beer garden eating fish and chips and celebrating being Irish!

Sports with Papa!

She was feeling a little fussy this afternoon, but this little lady is already loving watching sports with her Papa. It's an exciting time right now, too with March Madness! They ended the day of sports with some cuddles.

An Adventurous Day

This afternoon we joined Grandma and Grandpa for dinner at Highway Inn. Adeline enjoyed herself and let Mama and Papa eat dinner. After we got home we had extra cuddles before bed. On our way to dinner. Thanks to Grandma Sally for the cute bow! Getting sleepy!

Celebrating Honolulu

We have really loved living not just in Hawaii, but in our particular house. It is filled with character and charm, and provides us expansive views of the Honolulu and beyond. Every once and a while we are even treated to an amazing fireworks show with the best seats on the island. (click on the second picture below for a time-laps video!)

One Month Old!

I said to Will today, "We made it a month already!" he said, "It feels like it's been longer." One can imagine that means it's been dragging on, or that it just seems like she's always been a part of our little family! Either way, we made it through our first month! She's changing and growing everyday. She's already gained just under two pounds! Trying to sit up like a big girl!

Meeting Grandma Wright and Grandpa Kusch

Adeline has been thrilled to spend some time with her Grandma Wright and Grandpa Kusch who are here visiting!

Just Too Cute

Her shirt says it all!

Bath Time Snuggles and Fun With Papa

This little girl loves her post bath snuggles. The bath doesn't always go over so well, but she sure loves to snuggle in her hooded towel! After bath time she got all dolled up in her Terviva onesie and posed with Papa for some snuggles before he left for Oakland for the week. We ended the day with a beautiful sunset!

Baby's First Cocktail Dress

Will was nominated for an award for Agriculture/Tech Entrepreneur of the Year through the Hawaii Venture Capital Association. Adeline and I were thrilled to be there to support our main man and enjoyed a cocktail hour and dinner. Adeline was the belle of the ball and made it all the way through to Will's category. Unfortunately he did not win the final award (although clearly he should have!) but he still got a nice recognition from the announcers. Addie and I are two proud girls! (There are more pictures out there that the HVCA took, but they aren't posted yet. Stay tuned for a cute family picture!)