
Showing posts from September, 2013

Eat Real Festival

The Bay really loves food trucks, and so do we! There is hardly a day of the week when you wouldn't be able to find a gathering of food trucks and stands somewhere in the bay. Once a year, in Jack London Square, a plethora of food trucks, stands, and local vendors of every sort gather together for a huge event called the Eat Real Festival. We took our friends Matt and Nyla last year, and we couldn't wait to join some friends to go this year. We enjoyed some great food, drinks, and, let's say interesting, music! Does this spot look familiar to anyone? Not only is it in one of our favorite locations in the city, but . . . It's the location of our very first picture together in Oakland, from our visit in February 2012 for Will's interview at Terviva! (Sure, maybe this is cheesy, but I like it : ) )

Girls Weekend, San Diego Style

It has been over a year since I've seen most of my friends from Minnesota. We have been lucky enough to have a couple of them visit over the last year, but many we have not seen since we went back to Minnesota in September of 2012. With a lot of planning, we were able to get eight of us girls together for a weekend in San Diego! It was amazing to reconnect with them and be surrounded by such brilliant women for a long weekend. We rented out a beach house with a spectacular rooftop deck in Pacific Beach. We spent our days walking around the neighborhood, visiting some local restaurants, and of course lounging at the beach and enjoying the breathtaking view from our rooftop. What an amazing weekend! (These pictures are compliments of Lindsay! Thanks!)

Together Again

You've probably noticed a significant gap in events on the blog lately. Well, it's mostly due to Will's crazy busy traveling schedule lately! After my return from Hawaii, Will stayed until the following Friday. He was home for a few days before he left to go on a camping trip with some friends. Then, he was back for a day before he left for Hawaii again. He returned home safely this morning and we were excited to be able to spend a day together that didn't involve him getting ready to go on the road again. After I picked up Will from the airport Saturday morning, we came home and got ready for the day. We headed in to San Francisco to watch the America's Cup races, get a pumpkin spice late, have lunch, and do a little shoe shopping for me! Our first stop was of course Starbucks, then we walked to the America's Cup Pavilion to watch the first race, at 1:15, on the big screen. Thanks in big part to New Zealand's boat nearly capsizing, the U.S. team won its f