
Showing posts from January, 2021

More January Adventures

 It feels like summer is here and we are loving it! We've even been swimming in the pool! Adeline continues to work on her artwork at school. The new Pivot Bio office is really coming together. Today we feel official with our signage going up! We got out to a fun new hiking trail with our friends. And stumbled upon a great teeter totter! And of course, enjoying ourselves at Jack London Square where the sun always shines. Just living the California dream!

Bodega Head Adventure

Today was a beautiful day so Will and I took the day off to go on a little adventure. We drove up the coast to Bodega Head for a scenic walk and picnic! We stopped for some local cheese on our way. It was a beautiful day and evening! Perfect for some ring-around-the-rosie when we got home.

January . . .

Feels like the 13th month of 2020, right?! My day was brightened today when I came home to a delivery of flowers! My department's leadership sent me flowers to celebrate my one year anniversary at Pivot! Adeline's been having a tough go of nap time at preschool these days, but fortunately she's still all smiles. (Until later in the evening, anyway!) On Thursday, Adeline finally took a nap!

Organizing Ponies!

 I ordered some book bins for organizing Adeline's book collection, but she had other ideas!

Squishy Penguin

My manager got Adeline the cutest little squishy glow penguin and Adeline loves it! It lights up and even changes color! 

Back to School

We really enjoyed our winter break so getting back in to the routine took a little bit, but we are so happy that Adeline loves preschool! Now she can continue with her artwork! Adeline was busy on the phone tonight calling her friends like Penny and Jim and Kathy. You can hear her referencing her favorite Christmas songs - Deck the Halls with balls of holly, and Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree!

Seeing Good Friends

Today we finally  got to see our friends Joe, Paola, Hugo, and Valentina! They just bought a house, too, so we went to explore the park in their new neighborhood. Valentina and Hugo are always just the sweetest with Adeline. Our first stop was the playground at Parkside Square. Then we walked down the hill to Sten Grove and Pine Lake Park. They even gifted us some hand-me-down rain boots. What perfect timing! We got pretty dirty at the playground and lake, but it was the best time and I'm glad Adeline finally tolerated being wet and dirty - something she doesn't usually care to be!

It's Still Christmas in Cali!

Adeline loves Christmas, and loves her tape player. We started the day with Cheerios and Ariel's Christmas. We were going to take down decorations during nap time, but Adeline insisted we leave them up because it's her first Christmas. Who an argue with that?! So, Christmas continues!

Happy New Year!

Here's hoping that 2021 is a better year for us all. So far, we're off to a great start. We put some new stickers on Adeline's bedroom wall . . . Scootered and chased pigeons at Jack London Square . . . Admired the Christmas Tree . . . Wished Stomper the Elephant a Happy New Year.  Admired our front yard that is starting to look more like a yard and less like a mud/dirt pit . . . And gave Koala lots of snuggles.