
Showing posts from November, 2020

It's the Holiday Season!

This weekend we were given some hand-me-down toys from our wonderful neighbors. Adeline has a wonderful little dance to one of the songs on the laptop she received! Then we were off to get our Christmas Tree! We spent the afternoon decorating!  We also celebrated - Adeline is officially potty trained! hooray! My little Christmas Kitties 

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had the best weekend playing with our pumpkins, cooking and eating dinner, and then promptly "decorating the whole house." Will even got our house lights up so we could follow the Kelly tradition of turning them on the night of Thanksgiving!


November has been a little bit of everything.  Working from home . . . Fun at preschool . . . Playing around the house . . . Playdates at the park . . . Yardwork . . . You get the idea! Just your typical new homeowner, preschooler, quarantine life!

Flu Shots and Shakers!

Today we finally had time to go get our flu shots! We knew Adeline wouldn't be too happy about it so we promised a "shaker" afterward. She only shed a few tears, and was quite happy about her shaker! We had a little more time before we needed to go home so we made a stop by the plant nursery. We got a few things including a new Tibouchina plant to go out front. Will was excited to make some use of his power tools! Bye, bye ugly tree! Turns out it had heart rot anyway. It was not long for this world.