
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Cats Move, Too!

Add another move to the cat's list! I'm sure they were relieved that it was only a 12 minute car ride rather than a 12 hour plane ride! Adeline was such a good helper when we went tonight after school to get them. She helped pack them up, sooth them on the ride home, and show them around the new house when we got home. We slept in the new house last night, but tonight we were complete with the cats! Now it's time to start making a house a home!

Preschool Fun

While Mama and Papa worked hard on the house and moved!! Adeline had a fun few days at preschool. We are so grateful that she has a wonderful place to spend her days.

My New Happy Place

This morning we headed over to the new house to check out the floors and enjoy our backyard! Adeline had so much fun splashing in her new pool. Will brought Adeline and I back home and then he headed back to the house to start some work! First up, painting Adeline's room!


Adeline was feeling better today, but we're all just a little exhausted. Today is the last day for the floors to be worked on so we can finally get in to the house tomorrow, which officially marks moving week!  We played around during the day, and cozied up with some movies at night.

The Moving Blues

Today Adeline woke up very lethargic and sick to her tummy. I think all the changes around her are getting to her a little. Of course, she only wanted Papa on a morning when he had big meetings with the lawyers! Fortunately they were understanding of the home office set up today. By lunch time she was feeling better, but we still took it easy around the apartment.

Busy Bees!

Adeline's class at Preschool is the Abejitas - Bumblebees! We feel like busy bees these days! Preschool, checking on the house, playing, and lounging back at the apartment full of boxes! On our way to the house after preschool Adeline started singing this song for us. We don't really know what she's saying, and it's the only time we've heard the song!


Today we stopped by the house to take out our garbage bins and check on the progress of the floors, and they are looking good! Meanwhile at school Adeline worked on her artwork. After we picked up Adeline from school we went down to scooter at Jack London Square. It was a beautiful evening with clean air! Hooray!

A Cowgirl and her Cow Bike

Adeline managed to pull together her own Cowgirl costume this morning! At Preschool she strung some beads all on her own! And we ended the night with a round of hopscotch!


 With most of our things packed up we are getting pretty creative these days!

Bat Guy!

Our friends gave us the best hand-me-down jammies! Bat Guy! Will went back to work at the house while Adeline and I played at home and tried on more hand-me-downs! After nap it was the perfect afternoon for some water table fun! Meanwhile, back at the house, Will managed to get this 1,000 pound beast out of the living room and in to the back corner of the garage where it will live for the rest of eternity! That thing was so heavy, I'd be lying if I didn't say I was worried that Will was going to come out of this with crushed bones. Thankfully, the only thing that happened was a little scratch outside, which is no big deal because we're going to repaint the house anyway!