
Showing posts from February, 2020

We Voted!

Will dropped our ballots off today!

A Day off with Mama

What's better than a day off only a couple weeks in to a new job?! It was a gorgeous day so we headed out to the park. We ended the day with a little ice cream picnic.

More SF Adventures

When we were in the city a couple weekends ago Adeline saw the boats out on the water and said "Ride that," so we told her we'd take her on a boat ride soon. Today was a beautiful day for just that. We got a little delayed when we thought Adeline might have pink eye (ew) but after an all clear from the doctor this morning we were all set for a day of fun. We played at home for the little time we had left before naptime. After a short nap we packed up in the car, picked up Uncle Jake, and were on our way to the Ferry Building for a boat ride! When we got to the Ferry Building we stopped in at the bookshop to read some books.  Then it was time for birthday ice cream! Then it was time to run off some of that ice cream energy at the park across the street. Playing peek-a-boo with Papa and Uncle Jake was the best. Then it was time

Bedtime Ice Cream Party


Big Doggie George

Adeline loves Meredith and David's Great Dane, George. She calls him Big Doggie George! For her birthday Meredith and David got her the most thoughtful gift ever - a handmade stuffed animal that looks just like George, along with a framed picture of him for her room! Also, when Will came home from Mexico this week he brought Adeline a mini umbrella! Big Doggie George and the umbrella go hand in hand I guess!