
Showing posts from September, 2019

Busy Bee



Adeline and I went to a garage sale this morning and got a couple of good finds - especially a new pet!


Wednesday Fun

To say that Adeline had fun at Trader Joe's might be an understatement. She sat in the cart and waved and said "hi" to everyone we passed. Just look at this face after our trip! But after a morning of grocery shopping this girl needed to get her wiggles out so we spent some time at the park. These spinning seats are so fun : ) We also had some new visitors at the bird feeder!

Saying Goodbye

It was so sad to say goodbye today, but we honestly had the best time. With nine adults and seven kids you'd think that things could have been really crazy, but other than a couple of wake ups from the babies last night we had so much fun! Adeline had a harder time on the ride home. I think it was because of the drop in elevation along the way (similar to how landing on a plane is sometimes harder than the take off). She had a couple of meltdowns (the second from being overtired) and we had to stop. Here we pulled off to have snacks, a dance party, and watch the big trucks go by.

We Love Tahoe!

And our friends! Adeline really loved Benny who is about three and a half months younger than she is, so the closest in age of any of the kids. By today she was giving him hugs non-stop! Here she and Alex (Ben's older brother) are showing Benny some love! When you have a park this great down the street what's not to love? The big kids all went out on adventures today so we made our way back to the park. Adeline did her share of swinging but we also played around on the equipment. She also loved sorting through the wood chips, which I didn't mind at all because it was such a nice park that they actually looked clean! That afternoon Will went mountain biking with a couple of the guys while Adeline and I hung out around the cabin.

Fun at the Park

Will found the most beautiful park just a few minutes drive from our cabin. I think we will all be dreaming about how spectacular it was. I want to go back to Tahoe just for this park. I think Adeline would agree! Adeline kept saying "mo, mo, mo," in reference to more swinging! That afternoon Will took Adeline back to the park for a second dose of fun while the girls went kayaking! Hopefully some pictures of that to come! Thanks for a few hours of girl time, Will!


Or "Ta Ta" as Adeline says! We've been so excited for this trip for months! We got all of Will's college roommates and their families together for a week in Tahoe! They are so amazing for making the trek out here and Will and I so appreciate that we were able to take a short drive to see them. But when you have an area as stunning as Lake Tahoe in your backyard it's easy to convince people to come visit! We arrived on Wednesday and made great time on our driving, taking only a little more than three hours! We got all settled in to the cabin and had a relaxing evening around the house. We also had a great bonfire to gather around. The thing I love about this group of friends is that we always pick right back up where we left off without missing a beat. We've been friends with these people for almost half our lives now! And it's sooo much fun to see the kids together, too. On Thursday we got up and did some exploring. The cabin we rented belonged to an H