
Showing posts from March, 2019

Headed Home

Today was time to head home. Will has to leave for Hawai`i tomorrow! We had such a great visit with the grandparents. While I got things organized in the lobby of the airport Will and Adeline played around. Boing! Boing!! Boing!!! Adeline did pretty well on this flight! Will had gotten an upgrade to first class (because of his priority status) so we had one seat in first class and then the two economy plus seats right behind his. It was nice to have the extra space to spread out! When we got back home Adeline was so happy to see her toys! She went right for her cart, then Rory, her cube, her iPad, and blocks. She was just so thrilled! We let her play around for a little while before her bath and bedtime routine. She was a very tired keiki but was a great traveller, too!

Fun With Grandparents!

Adeline had so much fun reading newspapers, playing with moose, and even a little dancing today! (Jim, we must  get a picture with you in June!!)

Playing Inside the Box!

Adeline loves putting things in to and taking things out of boxes, but today she was the thing inside the box! She played around inside and even got rides like she was in a car! With all the clocks and music boxes on repeat it kind of sounded like the soundtrack to a nightmare, but it was funny nevertheless!

Loving Momma's Toys

My parents kept almost all of our old toys! Now that we have Adeline they are getting another round of love!

Madison Bound!

Will had a work trip to Madison this week so Adeline and I tagged along so we could see the grandparents! We had a nice flight in the morning, direct to Madison! It seemed so easy compared to our last couple of journeys with Adeline in tow. We got to my parent's house in the late afternoon and quickly set up everything for Adeline's nap. Then we had a little dinner together before bed!


Adeline loves her iPad and credit card from her purse set that Auntie Mere gave her. She's becoming quite the online shopper! haha!

Let's Play!

This girl loves what she loves - carts and farms! (And books too, just not this time.)

Those Teeth!

Despite lots of teething symptoms, this girl still has just her two bottom teeth. When will the others show up?! And that sheet mark! Must have been a good nap!

Spring Has Sprung!

We finally had some beautiful weather here so we got out in the neighborhood for a little shoe shopping for Adeline and to take a nice walk. It was a beautiful day! Snack time!

Yoga and Books!


A Girl and Her Kitty


Smiley Babe

She's so happy!

Goofy Girl

This girl is so silly. I meant to take a picture but it was on video mode. It was kinda cute so I kept it! For dinner Adeline had Will's famous marinara and ravioli. She approved!

13 Months!

This little lady is 13 months today!

Meeting Cousin Anne!

This weekend Anne was in town to visit and we got to introduce her to Adeline! We met on Friday for a fun brunch at Sequoia Cafe and Adeline immediately took to Anne! Today Anne stopped by to play a little and brought Adeline the sweetest stacking bunny toy. It was a nice visit and we can't wait to see her again soon!

New Shades, Who Dis?

Grammy sent some new sunnies, just in time for the California sun to shine!

Books! Books! Books!

It's still her favorite! She is so gentle now when she turns the pages of the paper books!

Gymboree Fun!

Adeline has so much energy these days and she really needed something new to do other than just play around the apartment. There is a kids gym called Gymboree a quick drive from our apartment so we got a membership and have been going about twice a week. This weekend Will came along so he could see what it's like and snap a few pictures, too! There are a lot of places around the play place where Adeline could fall so I have to have my hands ready at all times! The structure of the 45 minute class is: circle time, songs, and playing with instruments, about a half hour of exploring around (the set up changes every week or two), and parachute games and bubbles! Adeline loves it so much. It's a great thing to do to get out of the house and play!