
Showing posts from July, 2018

Trying out the High Chair

We're almost ready for solid foods so Adeline was getting a feel for the high chair.

First Dip

It's been nice and warm lately so we spent a little time on the pool deck and took Adeline for a dip. She didn't mind going in at the steps but it was too cold when we put her in her floaty! Hopefully the pool will warm up some more and we'll try again!

So Exciting!

This little girl is growing up fast. She's teething and has a new teething toy, Julie the giraffe. A new book came in the mail today, too, with info and recipes for starting solid foods! Hooray!


Rugby World Cup

The Rugby World Cup came to San Francisco this year. I had actually never heard of it, but it's apparently a pretty big deal and there were fans from all over the world in attendance! The law firm that TerViva has been working with gave Will a couple of tickets to the tournament on Sunday so we went to check it out. Will was in heaven of course! Adeline and I stuck it out for a little while, but most of our time was spent in the mother's room and the food concourse area (we had club level seats so a nice air conditioned indoor area to hang out in!). Adeline had had enough, so we came back home but Will stuck around for the finals. It was a pretty fun (but hot!) day!

Sitting and Swimming

These are the skills she's working on!

Making Progress!

Working her way up to sitting on her own!

Morning Reading

She's taken to reading her book in the morning while Mama makes coffee and gets set for the day while Papa is away!

Busy Little Girl

Today was filled with lots of play time and practicing sitting up!

Good Morning Sunshine!

Morning smiles are the best smiles!


The next new development is toes in her mouth!

Five Months!

And growing so much!

Sitting Up!

This girl just grows and grows everyday and today she's working on sitting up! My family thinks she looks like she's ready to order a drink and a snack!

My Sweet and Sassy Girl

We got this cute little onesie when we were on Maui and visited the Ulupalakua Winery. We knew then that this little girl would probably be super sweet and sassy and we were right!

Flower Piano

Every year for a couple of weeks in July the San Francisco Botanical Gardens tucks 12 pianos throughout the garden. Some days there are professional, scheduled pianists, while other days the pianos are simply open for anyone to play on. Today was one of the days when the pianos were open for everyone. We enjoyed a beautiful stroll through some of the gardens, listening to music in a redwood forest, on a pier over a pond, and in a large grassy area. We heard lovely music played by very talented pianists as well as a high school student looking for a chance to perform, and a few kids tinkering on the keys. After we strolled through we set up a picnic in the large grassy area and let the musicians come to us. It was such a gorgeous day! Napping al fresco After a lovely day at the gardens we stopped to do a little shoe shopping for Will's upcoming conference. When we were done it was time for the little one to eat so we stopped off and Will had a beverage w

Little Conversations

This girl still loves to talk and sing!

Baby's First Fourth of July

Unfortunately Adeline is just too little to take out for fireworks, so we made a nice little day of our Fourth of July instead. We started with delicious brunch at Aunt Mary's (Adeline slept like a champ and we had a very enjoyable time!). Then we stopped off for a little scoop of ice cream around the corner. Next we were off on a road trip to the top of Mount Diablo. It reminded us a little of Haleakala in Hawai`i, mostly just that it seems so close but with all the twists and turns it really takes a long time to get to the summit. There are so many opportunities for hikes and picnics in this park area. We'll definitely be back! (Though probably in the winter/spring when things are more lush, it is so hot and dry right now!) At the overlook Will standing on the summit! We always liked to end our hikes with a beverage, and since a drive or easy walk to a lookout point is the extent of our hikes now, the next logical place to go was a brewery! I found one close to whe