
Showing posts from May, 2018

Summer, Summer, Summertime!!

It's summer in California and the sun just keeps shining! For a couple weeks it was cloudy and chilly, so we are loving  this sunshine! We are also loving that we are getting out and about, exploring new places in The Bay that we didn't explore when we lived here before. Ready for our daytrip! Things are a little different with Adeline in tow, but we're finding ways to adapt and still have a great time. We can't wait until we can ditch the stroller and she can do a little bit of hiking with us (she strongly dislikes the carrier for now, but hopefully soon she will like it!) With our extra day this weekend we ventured south along Highway 1 to Pescadero. We had never been on this stretch of the highway and the views didn't disappoint. Our first stop was to the lighthouse. The wildflowers are stunning right now! Next it was off to lunch at Duarte's Tavern, a famous watering hole and the only sit down restaurant in town. We got t

Babies Who Brunch

We finally  feel all settled in to our new home and instead of spending the weekends unpacking and doing odd jobs around the house, we are getting out and about and re-exploring Oakland and the whole Bay Area. The weather has also turned beautifully sunny and warm. This morning we went out to brunch and it went so well we stopped at two places! Things were pretty quiet since it's Memorial Day weekend so there was no waiting for tables and service was speedy. Not to mention that we were up and at `em pretty early with baby in tow. Plus this little babe was a champ and either hung out peacefully or slept! Our first stop was Chow on Piedmont. We had yummy salmon, egg, and veggie dishes and delicious coffee! By the time we were done it was only about 11am, so it was on to the next place - Barlago. Little girl slept the whole time while Will and I sat on the patio overlooking the lake, thoroughly enjoying life back in Oakland. We had some beverages and french toast for brunc

New Hat!

It's chilly here in The Bay and though the sun hats we got in Hawai`i are great for our sunny days, there are days when it's downright cold, so this little girl needed a warm hat. It's a little big for now but oh so sweet!

Happy Mother's Day!

For Mother's Day we went into the city to Picnic on the Presidio to join some of our friends who will be jetting off later this week for a European adventure! We'll miss them but we're so glad our paths crossed even a little in The Bay before they leave!

Lounging on Saturday

Addie's new headband came today! Helping Mama hang up laundry

Three Months

Adeline is really growing up! She's more alert, interactive, smiley, and giggly!

We're Surviving!

So last Wednesday our household items were delivered! Hooray! But then come Thursday morning, Will had to leave for the Midwest for a whole week! We're talking Thursday morning through the following Thursday. So here I am with 50 + boxes to unpack and a twelve week old who is about to embark on a growth spurt, leaving her all off schedule, fussy, hungry, not hungry, and resisting naps! Yikes! In addition, she's really working on rolling over and I found her one morning on her stomach all swaddled up. SO! Goodbye arms in swaddling, hello arms out! The problem with this is that little girl loves rubbing her face and then ends up waking herself up. Luckily she's settled in to arms out swaddling pretty well and even loves to sleep on her side now! We even got almost all of the boxes unpacked! We're making it through okay, but we sure are excited for Papa to be home on Thursday! Love waking up to a smiley girl!

So Sleepy

It's safe to say that everyone is feeling pretty settled around here!

Play Time!


So Photogenic

This girl always has a great expression for the camera!