
Showing posts from April, 2018

New Jammies and New Tricks

It was too hot in Hawai`i to wear her bunny jammies for Easter, but on a chilly morning they were just perfect! Adeline also learned a new trick today!

A Napa Wedding

Our friends Lila and Cody also moved from Hawai`i to California and they got married today! They had a really sweet little ceremony at City Hall and we went out to celebrate afterward. But of course we couldn't go all the way to Napa without doing some wine tasting! We went up earlier in the day to have lunch and visited Starmont Winery (well, the boys did while I fed Addie in the car . . .) and then we went to Etude which might just be my favorite new winery! It was a fun getaway day. I miss Hawai`i so much but I'm also loving all the wonderful things about The Bay, too! Along the Napa River after celebrating the wedding!

Chatty Girl

Adeline is really becoming a talker!

Getting Stronger!

Adeline of course continues to grow and get stronger every day! Our outdoor lights came today so I got those all set up, too! The girls are really loving being back in California. They can take endless sun baths around the apartment since we get the morning sun on the bedroom side of the apartment and afternoon sun in the living room. And it's not so sweaty hot!

Earth Day in The Bay!

We are officially "moved in" to our new apartment! I say that loosely because we don't actually have any of our things from Hawai`i yet, so we still have a mattress on the floor, patio furniture in the living room, and a basic set of kitchen items. But we are staying here overnight now so it's officially home! We were eager to get the patio set up since there isn't much we can do on the inside. Plus it was such a beautiful day so we made a trip down to the garden center and got planting. Here it is!

Mom's Last Day!

I'm so sad that today is Mom's last day. Her help and company has been so wonderful and I wish she could be here when our shipment of household goods arrives, too. For our last day we visited Will at his office and had lunch at the Lake Chalet. It took a while to get Addie settled, but eventually we had a nice lakeside lunch. Thank you Mom for everything! We can't wait for you to come back to visit!

A Day of Fun

Rather than going to places like Costco and Target, we took the day to stroll along College Ave. Addie got all dressed up for the occasion in her cute outfit from Aunt Janet and Uncle Fred. When we came home that night Adeline really needed a bath, but I was just too tired to deal with a slippery infant. So Grammy to the rescue! They had a fun time taking a bath!

We're Not in Hawai`i Anymore!

For our first couple weeks in Oakland we got an Airbnb to stay in while we worked to get our apartment ready and set up with basic things like a bed! Mom helped us so much with cleaning, painting, shopping, watching baby, and providing excellent company. It was especially helpful to have her here for the week that Will was in the Midwest. As we got ready to go run errands we had to bundle up a little more than in Hawai`i!

Papa is Home!

We hadn't seen Will since that Saturday in Honolulu when he left on his journey. It was good to have him back and help keep Adeline settled. This is the famous Spaceship!

Two Months Old!

Adeline is two months old today! She is as smiley as always! She's excited to be two months! Don't you just want to eat her up?!

Here We Go! Take Two!

Now today was the day! Mom and I got everything all packed up, this time only six pieces of luggage since Will took three with him on Saturday! We headed to the airport and saw many of our old friends from Friday, haha! They all recognized us from our debacle on Friday and were very helpful. Miraculously we made it through just the two of us will all our luggage, a baby, and two cats. Again, what I would have done without my mother is just beyond me! The one not so great thing about our travel day is that we had to fly first to Seattle and then to Oakland. To get a direct flight to Oakland would have taken another five days! The cats and Adeline did wonderful on the flights. They were such troopers and made a very long travel day so much easier than it could have been! All set for baby's first flight!

Almost, But Not Quite!

Well, today is the day! Off to Oakland! We loaded up the rental TRUCK that will got with nine pieces of luggage, a baby, two cats, a mom, and Will and myself! oofta! Will dropped us off at the airport, we got everything through check in and security (how did we do that?!) and made it to our gate. Now we just wait patiently until we board soon. Right?! Not quite . . . As we're waiting we see "delayed." A while later, still delayed. And a while later, cancelled! WHAT?! Due to a computer issue and not having the right part on island they cancelled our flight! Now let me also preface this situation with the fact that there is only ONE airline that will let us fly with our cats, and it's Spring Break so even when we booked our flights over a month ago we got the last few seats on this flight and the weekend flights were completely booked. So my heart sank. I knew this was not good. (And Will was to be in the Midwest on Monday for a work trip!). After hours of waiting in li

Moving Day!

Today's the day! The movers arrived this morning to pick up all of our belongings and put it on the boat. It wasn't without some excitement though. When we woke up Will told me the water was off - that's strange! Why would the water be off? We looked out our window and the field down below was completely flooded. Turned out that a water main had broken over night, hence why we didn't have any water! We called my mom who was staying in a condo just down the street and miraculously she had water! Hooray! So we packed up our things and headed down to shower up and get ready for the day. While we got ready she read to Adeline. Isn't this just the sweetest? After the movers got every last thing out of the house we headed down to Waikiki for a well deserved, relaxing dinner at the Moana Surfrider. We celebrated our accomplishment and enjoyed our last night in Hawai`i (or so we thought . . . to be continued!).

Sneak Peek!

We got our professional pictures back and they are gorgeous! Here's the sneak peek from our photographer. If you'd like to see more let me know!

The Packing Never Ends!

We have been packing, packing, packing, and this little girl got tuckered. Some helper she is! Only a few days left, the countdown is definitely on!