
Showing posts from February, 2018

Snuggle Bunny

Adeline loves her Snuggle Bunny from Grandma Sally!

First Visitor!

Uncle Brody came to visit! He even brought delicious ice cream. It was fun to meet you!

Naps and More Naps

This girl is a good sleeper! Let's hope it stays that way!


This girl loves to lounge!

Rainy Day Cuddles


First Trip to the Doctor

We have a wonderful pediatrician who came to see us every day at the hospital. Today was our first follow up appointment at the office. Addie did pretty well, but we quickly learned that the office is COLD! So snuggles with Papa were required. We got a great report and Adeline is quickly gaining weight!

Settling in at Home

We're settling in nicely at home with lots of naps. Mom even has time to read!

Bringing Home Bebe

There was no better way to spend Valentine's Day than by bringing home our sweet little girl. We even got to have a nice little dinner of pasta and marinara that we had made a couple weeks earlier and froze. It was a day we'll always remember! All ready to go home! Sleepy girl First time in the crib Getting ready for dinner

Adeline Makes Her Debut!

She's here! And we love her! We had a wonderful experience at the hospital and spent three lovely days there (as lovely as a hospital stay can be!) Cuddles with Papa! The ultimate burping and soothing technique

All Ready for Baby Girl!

We're just a few days away from her due date! We are all ready and so excited to meet our little girl! Can I be done being pregnant yet?!