
Showing posts from November, 2014

Pau Hana at the Beach

Today we went down to our neighborhood beach for a little Pau Hana. Then we decided to go check out the Sharaton Hotel's pool area and have a little snack at one of their oceanside restaurants. Cheers! Enjoying the sunshine

A Hawaiian Thanksgiving

This was the first year Will and I have ever been away from family for Thanksgiving. I also had to work the day after Thanksgiving, so overall it just felt very different. However, we always make the best of what life gives us, so I worked to put together some tried and true recipes along with a few newbies to make a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner. We started the day with breakfast, coffee, and the newspaper. I baked a pie and we talked on Facetime and Skype with our families. Mixed-berry pie! A little later in the day cooking began in full swing. Here's Will at the stove: Many hours later, we ate! After a big dinner we needed to get out and move a little. We went on a walk to a park near our house. It was a very quiet Thanksgiving this year. Hopefully next year we'll have some visitors to celebrate with!

Moonlighting as a Farmer's Wife

Remember back when I was moonlighting as a businessman's wife? Well this time Will was acting as a farmer, hence moonlighting as a farmer's wife. One of the aspects Will loves about his job, and why I know it's the job for him, is that he gets to do part business development, part accountant, part researcher, and part farmer which entails digging in the ground, using a machete, and driving a big huge pick up truck. Kind of sounds like every little boy's dream, right? Well, Will's dream, too. So this weekend the North Shore Chamber of Commerce hosted a pau hana (happy hour) up in Waialoa on the Pioneer Sunflower Farm. Will and I were invited by a pepper and tomato grower who also uses the nursery Terviva uses, which is where Will met the guy, Jeff. During our time there we got to meet one of the state senators, the executive director of the North Shore Chamber of Commerce, a community outreach representative for the wind farm on the North Shore, the owner of the

Reef Hawaiian Pro Surf Competition

It's getting in to the winter months and in Hawai'i that means big waves, particularly on the North Shore. And with big waves come surf competitions and some of the world's best surfers. This week was the start of the Triple Crown surf competition and the final rounds were being held on Saturday. Surf competitions typically have a two week time frame in which they are held and it is determined day by day whether competition will occur depending on the surf conditions. We were really excited that they would be holding the finals on a Saturday so that we could get to the North Shore to see it live. We left after the semi-finals to go get dinner but we got to see some world class surfers in action and watched the rest of it at Luibueno's in Haleiwa. Best of all was that a local guy from Maui won the competition! Reef Hawaiian Pro at Sunset Beach There's a rainbow to the left if you look closely. Keiki surfing near the shore while the competition

Sunset Picnic

This week the Energy Excelerator was holding a week long event for new companies who will be receiving grants from the organization. To kick things off they held a picnic at Kaimana Beach for members of the companies and their families. They ordered plate lunches from Rainbow Drive-Inn (one of Obama's favorite places). A plate lunch consists of rice, meat or fish, and one other side, in this case macaroni salad. It was pretty good, and you couldn't beat the view!

The Girls

The girls kept good company for me while Will was away. We can't ever forget all the journeys that they have taken with us, and what wonderful companions they have always been for both of us, but especially for me as Will has been traveling so frequently over the last couple years. They have really been enjoying the sunshine and extra space that has come with our living in Hawai'i. I love these girls so much! Aren't they cute? The dresser in the second bedroom is one of her favorite afternoon sun-soaking spots.

Will Goes to Japan!

Will went to Okinawa, Japan for a week along with two others from the Energy Excelerator to represent the organization. They were there for a renewable energy workshop/conference. Will rocked his pitch of Terviva and received great praise and feedback from those in the audience. He also made a lot of connections that could lead to very promising work and opportunities in the future, so stay tuned for that! Here are a few pictures from his trip. Some of the islands from the plane. Looks a lot like home! Rocking his pitch. Still rockin' it!