
More white park fun

Always fun stop for runnery

Fun at "white park" on way home from pre school

 Adeline loves to stop at "white park" which in actuality is the mormon temple up the hill from our house. Great spot to run around and burn off some more energy before heading home for evening routines

Weekend at Jack London Square

 Always fun spot for weekend picnic

Hike with Penny

 Just a weekend hike with Penny and Uncle Ryan

More January Adventures

 It feels like summer is here and we are loving it! We've even been swimming in the pool! Adeline continues to work on her artwork at school. The new Pivot Bio office is really coming together. Today we feel official with our signage going up! We got out to a fun new hiking trail with our friends. And stumbled upon a great teeter totter! And of course, enjoying ourselves at Jack London Square where the sun always shines. Just living the California dream!

Bodega Head Adventure

Today was a beautiful day so Will and I took the day off to go on a little adventure. We drove up the coast to Bodega Head for a scenic walk and picnic! We stopped for some local cheese on our way. It was a beautiful day and evening! Perfect for some ring-around-the-rosie when we got home.